Narrative and Analysis 2--YWAM


Rand Guebert

This material is strictly confidential.
It may not be reproduced in any way or shared without the explicit written permission of Dr. Kelly and Dr. Michèle Lewis O’Donnell.

Kelly and Michele O’Donnell (hereinafter referred to as KMO) have worked with YWAM for more than 20 years.  Thus this narrative covers only their most recent time in YWAM.  In the mid 1990’s they were “released” by their line leader Garry Tissingh (GT) for a transnational and interagency ministry which meant that they were not associated with a particular YWAM base.  This allowed them to operate in a somewhat independent manner from the usual YWAM organization structure.  Beginning in 2000 they reported to the International Foreign Mission Director, Steve Cochrane, who was succeeded in 2004 by Gina Fadely (GF).  KMO had a history of good relationships with these line leaders prior to the time this story begins in March 2006.

It should be noted that KMO left Le Rucher in January 2003 and had their final meeting as part of MC-Europe at Harpenden in December 2005.  The beginning of this story is post Harpenden, but pre SA06 where Kelly (KO) had his final meeting with the MemCa Leadership Team. Please see Le Rucher and Member Care Narratives for further details.

It should also be noted that in November 2005, one month before the MC-E meeting in Harpenden, Kelly was also in Harpenden and met there with both Iain Muir (IM) and Lynn Green (LG).  Kelly observed  in a 3 November 2005 email to IM, “Just hearing a bit about the fallout in Kona and sorry about it all.  Maybe this is an opportune time to upgrade our “protective factors” for discerning toxicity/dysfunction and for developing personal and community health.”

One final note is that in the 1980’s when KMO were at the YWAM base in Amsterdam, Pari Rickard was confronted by KMO concerning personal and operational issues.  Eventually, after having moved to Harpenden, Pari was asked to leave a leadership position in YWAM, and then YWAM altogether, after causing significant heartache for the staff there.  KMO, in their capacity as psychologists, had given various warnings about the emotional health of Pari.  Leaders listened, but never took effective action.  Thus KMO had a background from which to provide informed views about the suitability for Pari to attend a YWAM event in Harpenden in March 2006.  This is the point at which this story begins.

On 2 March 2006 Gina Fadely tells KO in an email that she wants to invite the Rickards to the upcoming IFMLT meeting in Harpenden and asks for KO’s understanding.  At this time KO is at a missions conference in Nairobi where GT is his roommate.  KO cautions GF about Pari Rickard.  In a subsequent email GF says that she spoke with LG who did not see this as an appropriate idea, so GF decides not to invite Rickards.

Still in context of the Rickards, KO says in a 15 March email to GF, “And as I have shared in another context, the mission community seems quite naïve when it comes to dealing with systemic and personal dysfunction, and putting into place disciplinary boundaries….  Leaders and others constantly underestimate the nature and impact of dysfunction and overestimate their ability to deal with it….  Dysfunctional folks may try to charm/manipulate their way back into relationships.  Dysfunction, by its very nature, dupes.”  In a follow-up e mail on 15 March GF is quite sensitive to the feelings of all the participants in this situation.

On 11 April, KO sends GF a message thanking her for organizing the IFMLT meetings in Harpenden, “…And, many thanks too for the special honor recognizing my involvement in YWAM…  And given by Lynn (LG)  in the chapel with so many friends around.  This is so special to me!” 

At this stage KO is still being honored within the YWAM family. 

In the next few months KO involves himself in organizing a new YWAM Member Care Network.  Ah Kie Lim (AK) and KO are in a coordinating group for this network. 

In a message of 28 June, KO first informs GF very briefly about events in South Africa at the MemCa meetings where KO was dismissed from the MemCa LT and group.  KMO and family are just leaving for a 7 week working holiday in the USA.  Please see the Member Care Narrative for background on events up to this time.

On 20 July, after GF has received a copy of the letter from Cees Verharen, Director of the EEMA, dismissing KMO from MC-Europe, GF replies, “Sounds like a hornets nest got ripped open….  Between us, we’ll have to find a way forward.”  In a reply the same day KO says, “Michele and I continue to feel either discredited or ignored whenever we bring up concerns about the way things are done in the MC Europe group…  The hardest part is realizing that almost nobody really understands what has been going on, and so good people try to make good decisions based on bad or incomplete info.”

In a further message two days later, KO tells GF, “I am really sorry you are having to get involved in all of this.  It is really tricky and muddy…  This could all just finish pretty quickly after a couple of emails or it could drag on.  I hope the former happens.”

Unfortunately the latter happened.  KO really has no place to turn.  The resources to put all of the pieces together do not exist.  This is often the case in authoritarian or pioneering environments.  The “means” are simply not there.

On 25/26 July KO exchanges messages with Mark Fadely (husband of GF) regarding funding sources for the upcoming conference costs of member care workers from A4 countries.  Mark says at one point, “I understand about backing off from the option that we discussed in Harpenden.  That was/is a ticklish affair.”

Access to the funds in question required the approval of Erik Spruyt at Le Rucher.  Mark knew that KMO had serious concerns about Le Rucher and were uncomfortable with this arrangement.

On 19 September KMO have a 3.5 hour telephone call with GF.  Several days later [25 Sep?]  GF recaps four points.  She wants Sally Smith or KMO to write to Erik Spruyt (ES) to ask him to participate in an “independent review” or “independent mediation”.  (Please see the Member Care Narrative for background.)  She says in part, “As I have said before, I believe that this old wound is not going to just go away or heal with time on it’s own.  I believe that it needs to be attended to by independent and expert help.  I also feel that this is where the “axe head” fell and you need to return there.  It remaining unresolved has probably led to much of the strain and tension on the Europe member care group and to your recent reaction in the South Africa meeting.”

GF recognizes the issues and the centrality of Le Rucher.  Everyone is passing the buck on an independent review of the Le Rucher management—everyone wants someone else to do it.  We do not know what is happening behind the scenes at this stage.

On 26 September KO responds to GF’s message above with a number of important indicators.  First, KO thanks GF for talking, “We appreciate you SO!! Much!...”  Second, KMO are proceeding cautiously with ES and in unity with other former staff.  Third, regarding ES, “I spoke with Jeff Fountain on the phone last week, and he said that he personally is not aware of any changes in the YWAM relationship.  There are some plans to possibly meet in November, with Iain Muir as mediator.”  Fourth, “We understand that it may be helpful for you to track with a person in Y though.  Is there someone else [besides AK]?  Lets talk this over.”

At this stage KMO are still sharing openly with GF.  They are acting together with former staff regarding Le Rucher matters.  ES and YWAM are estranged.  What is this about?? And KMO recognize that GF needs someone in Y with whom she can discuss KMO matters.  Is this a source of GT’s eventual participation??  The framework is here for much of the entanglement that occurs in future.

In the next few weeks GF and KO exchange emails over KO’s relationship with WEA. KO is hoping to meet Bertil Ekstrom and Bill Taylor at COMIBAM conference in November.  KO’s experience at COMIBAM is very negative [Please see Member Care Narrative for details.]  KO visits with GF in Spain before and after COMIBAM.  In a message from 20 November, KO thanks GF for her help this past week at COMIBAM and for sending some really good stuff on leadership and testing.

After receiving the 17 November disciplinary-type letter from the WEA EXCO [see Member Care Narrative] KO emails GF on 24 November, “I feel politically steam-rolled.  I think I need to go through mandatory training in doing organizational politics well….  Gina this stuff about dysfunction….  Stuff will be breaking out at some point and I hope it will be clearer.  As a colleague said to us, ‘When the tree finally falls baby, you don’t want to be in the tree or around the tree when it happens’…  OK, lets grow.”  In this same message KO acknowledges that GF will be contacting GT about his being in the loop in the WEA/Europe/LR stuff.  When this is clarified KO wants to talk to GT some more.  In a 29 November email to GF that was never sent, KO reflects some more on the WEA letter.  “…I am still in the dark about what is really going on behind the scenes….  There is a far broader historical context involving other folks besides me—that also need to be acknowledged.  But this won’t happen, without a proper 360 degree review process.”

KO is struggling here and hoping to find a haven inside YWAM.

On 7 December KO sends GF/GT copy of the WEA letter of 17 November.  KMO want to clarify confidentiality amongst the four of them.  The next day in a follow-up message KO shares concerns about confidentiality and openness.  Doesn’t think there should be secrets between two of the three [KO/GF/GT].  This is not a “Kelly” issue.  KO plans to send a written apology to the MemCa LT.  KO says, “I have no plans to reconnect with MemCa (and this breaks my heart!—I love our people and miss my friends) now or at the end of 2008 or at the end of 2080.”

KMO seem now to be increasingly cautious about what GF/GT might do.  KMO are not sure how much GF/GT can understand about the dysfunction at Le Rucher.  This last sentence above is easily seen to be a private statement, and intended primarily to convey that KO had no intention of interfering with whatever WEA-MC might envision for MemCa in the future.  This statement was never intended to be taken literally.

On 11 December, GT agrees with KO’s requests and clarifies that his role will be to assist GF.  GT is not sure if KO wants advice from them or what.  GT does not think the WEA letter is so negative.

KO replies to GT on 13 saying, “I think most healthy people in my position would see this process and letter negatively, and would be very concerned.  A sword with a jeweled handle can do just as much damage as a sword without a jeweled handle.  Packaging a letter like this with articulate, spiritual sentences does not make it any less lethal.  Or any more accurate.  I believe that others’ own best interests are being prioritized.  Definitely not mine….  I may not be seen as “terrible” but the comment below made about me is just as heavy:  “we discern deeper underlying issues to address in you”.  And these issues are said to require spiritual direction, they require professional/psychological input, and they necessitate that I not connect with MemCa for at least two+ years…That sounds pretty serious to me…And what they have said to others in major regional/ministry contexts really concerns me.  My reputation has been so influenced by them, it is becoming apparent….And all this without discussing things with me further.  And without asking for feedback and input on how they have also handled things.  It is very one-sided, very distorted, very wrong….”

This letter from the WEA-MC EXCO should really be embarrassing to the people who signed it.  Two of the signatories had as much responsibility for matters as KO.

On 13 December MO sends her views to GF/GT.  She says in part, “In this case, I believe there are also lessons to benefit the wider body, if there is openness to soberly examine what has transpired…”  MO feels she has been ignored and sidelined in this whole affair.

On 16 December GT assures KMO that he has “listened”, but does not have many suggestions.  Everyone then breaks for the holidays with plans to reconnect in January.

It seems apparent even at this stage that GT’s heart is not in this.  He would prefer not to be involved—his correspondence has a tenuous and directionless feel to it.  KO and GF have different goals—KO wants truth and justice and GF wants peace.

On 12 January GF emails KO regarding next steps, “We left the Le Rucher issue that you were going to spend some time praying and fasting towards a way forward.  It has been over three months since that time and I’d like to get an update on where you are on this issue….  I think it would help your case if you were the one to initiate [outside mediation].”  KO responds saying that his task is to be true not popular.

In reality is very difficult for someone in KO’s position to propose and organize outside mediation.  A responsible third party really needs to take up this task—someone in YWAM, MC-Europe, LR Board.  There is really an impasse here.

On 13 January GF tells KO that she needs to respond to the letter from ES about his desire to reconcile with KO.  GF and KO have telecon on 15 January, and KO tells GF that it was a heavy conversation for him, continuing, “Gina I am really praying that we can stay connected in this process.  Not necessarily agreeing completely of course, but praying that the wedges that have happened in other settings will not happen here.  There is human dysfunction and weirdness of course.  But really underneath it all is a very sinister, spiritual force.  I am convinced of this…”

The letter that ES has sent to GF says in part, “I have seen a wonderful healing and restoration take place in my relationship with Jeff Fountain (JF) as a result of a careful facilitation process.  I want to make sure I have explored all possibilities towards possible restoration with Kelly as well.”  JF is Director of YWAM Europe, with whom ES apparently has had a broken and troublesome relationship for several years.  GF asks JF for some background.  JF replies, “Yes, we had a very significant time together a few weeks ago with Iain Muir as facilitator.  I did not expect such a breakthrough as I felt I had little new to bring to the table.  The big change was on Erik’s part after he had sought professional counseling concerning anger management and personal roots.  That may not help much in your situation though.  Yet there seems a new willingness in the quote above to work things through.”  On 15 January GF sends JF’s message to KMO.  KMO ask JF if they can speak with him.

On 24 January KO advised GF that KMO had a good telecon with JF, who suggested that KMO might want to speak with IM to get his perspective also.  Next day, 25 January, GF asks KO what his next step is on reconciliation with ES.  KO replies that day by asking GF to talk to Sally Smith and MO about LR.  KO also suggests that maybe GF would like to speak to some of the former LR staff.  KO continues, “Also, as we shared, Michele and I are not comfortable including GT in the discussions concerning Erik/Le Rucher.  Nothing personal.  It is the dual role he is in.”

KO and GF each want the other to do something the other does not want to do.  This impasse must be frustrating for KMO as well as GF, who has reconciliation between KO and ES as an assignment, perhaps from LG.  KMO are also being cautious about the involvement of GT, whom they do not believe is the right person to work with GF.

In a 29 January email, GF is sorry that GT does not make KO comfortable.  GT was brought in by LG. and it was the LR problem behind that.

On 16 February GF emails KO saying she intends to respond to ES that week and wants to know how KO would like this process to move forward.  KO replies by referring back to his desire of 25 January for GF to speak to Sally Smith and MO.  KMO is also willing to speak to LG.

There continues to be an impasse here and this continues on until the end of the month.

In a 28 February email, KO cautions GF, “…in situations like this, some organization needs to take the logistical and financial responsibility to have an extremely competent/experienced group do an independent organizational review that includes previous generations of staff.... I think you are aware that I have a recent article on dysfunction/discipline.  It is filled with a call and practical advice for sobriety and solidarity.  It says things like systemic dysfunction does not just get sorted by trying to do reconciliation or forcing something.”  KMO think the ball is in ES’s court to demonstrate to former staff that he is repentant/changed saying in part,  “Michele and/or I may contact Lynn asking for clarification about what has been happening behind the scenes, that led to his unusual “indirect directive”.”  KO attaches his “Serpents and Doves” article referred to above.

KO is correct about the independent review and the realities of dysfunction.  What is this “indirect directive”? What IS happening behind the scenes?  I think it is during these days that a rift develops.

GF responds the next day, 1 March, “I read your article a couple times now.  I have read your letters.  Yet find it somewhat ironic to read your writings on conflict resolution when you are in the middle of a large unresolved one yourself.  This seems to undermine your authority and credibility in this area…” GF also wonders if KO is in “proper accountability” to her.  KO responds that day that he is sad about what GF has written.  KO feels justified in his position.

GF responds the next day, 2 March, “There is nothing in your letter that we have not already discussed several times in the past by phone and letter (nor did it help me in writing my response letter to Erik yesterday)….  It doesn’t come across very well when you imply that others who think like me (and for that matter Garry and Lynn as well) are naïve and perhaps uneducated and perhaps lacking in true spiritual discernment…this response of avoidance is unacceptable to me….  Although I have said this many times, you still seem unwilling to receive or act on our counsel and guidance when it differs from your own…”  KO responds several days later suggesting that they discuss the matter at the upcoming meetings in Turkey.

KO is not trying to “avoid” responsibility, it is just that KMO and former LR staff have gone through so much with ES that their integrity will not allow them to capitulate to the type of external pressure that GF is applying.  The impasse between KO and GF is well established now and it is becoming a matter of hierarchy and seeming insubordination.  The matter is taking a negative turn.

In a 5 March email to GT, KO asks how GT was brought into the loop by LG.  KO also says, “The burden for change and setting up something [organizational review] in the right way, as we see it, definitely does not lie with any of the former staff, including ourselves…  So we keep waiting for the Lord and hope for something significant to shift.”

MO sends her own email on 13 March which was never received by GF because the address was wrong.  [The message was resent and received in April.]  In it MO reiterates that the process of reconciliation is important, “We have always wanted more than just reconciliation on paper, which doesn’t address or resolve issues.  Let me use your expression to point out that the “axe head fell” (in the YWAM context) long before any of us even arrived at LR.”  MO thinks GF and GT need more information from her and Sally Smith.

Also on 13 March MO emails LG asking, “Can you help? We (Michele and Kelly) do not understand your recent “directive” to us via Gina—the way it was done and the background to it.”  [This message was copied to GF, who did not receive it because the address was wrong.]

One can wonder why LG is so involved in the case of the O’Donnells.  Is it because he knows that they are NCI investors? Is it because of the negative letters that he says he has received about Kelly? What pressure or motivation, or relationship to ES, would draw LG into this?

GT clarifies that he has not written for a long time to allow GF to move forward.  GT does not understand why KO is so suspicious of his involvement with ES.  GT thinks reconciliation is a priority, even above professionalism.  Wants to leave process in GF’s hands.

GF is careful at this stage to show KO from the correspondence that originally it was intended for GT to be involved in “WEA/Europe/LR stuff”.  GF also shows that in previous years  KO did not want GF to be involved in LR matters.  In an email of 15 March, just prior to the meetings in Turkey, GF tells KO, “Know that I am sincerely sorry for the difficulties you have gone through.  I so want you to be released and restored in your ministry even though I believe it will mean pain for you personally to see that happen.”  GF wants to make sure that they meet in Turkey to discuss these issues.

The tone of GF’s emails varies considerably.  Sometimes it appears that she is having internal conflicts over how to handle this situation, as if someone is putting pressure on her.  Is LG pushing GF in a certain direction?

During 15/16 March KO and Bruce Narramore exchange emails in an attempt to understand what is happening.

On 19 March MO emails a draft proposal to former LR staff asking for an organizational review and for ES/LR Board to connect with former staff in a round table discussion.  “There are potential implications for our work within YWAM.  We think it is important for someone else (on behalf of all of us) to be the point person besides ourselves [KMO].”

Sally Smith replies the same day that she is tied up.

One of the frustrating factors for KMO is that none of the former staff are able to assume responsibility for interacting with ES/LR.  KMO are constantly having to return to center stage.  In fact for the next seven months significant effort will be expended by KMO in trying to represent the group of former staff.

On 20 March GT emails KO, “I hope your face to face [with GF in Turkey] goes well.  I am seeking input on what an ‘independent review’ would mean and how it would fit.”

On 21 March LG emails KO, copy to GF/GT, “I am so sorry that I came across as directive.  All I meant to do was to urge Gina to be sure and follow through on this subject. I have been the recipient of charges that YWAM leaders often move independently and without accountability and I have to admit that it is sometimes true.  Over the past two years, I have had to repent of, and confess the sin of “abdication”.  I think it is pretty widespread in YWAM.  We have often been too reticent to “grasp the nettle” of difficult issues.  I am seeking to move in a new measure of grace to engage with such issues, especially where they involve disunity amongst senior leaders, to see them resolved in a Biblical manner.  That was what I was intending to communicate to Gina and I am sorry if my language implied any harsh or authoritarian spirit.  I think it is best that I continue to leave this in Gina’s court.”

Why does someone in LG’s position say these kind of things to KMO??? Is LG trying to excuse some culpability on his part?  Again, why is he so interested?  This is an unusual message!

At the end of March KMO meet with GF in Istanbul and they discuss ES’s letter.

On 5 April GF asks KMO for a draft of the letter that the former LR staff plan to send to the LR Board.  On 11 April KO thanks GF for all she did to make the IFMLT consultation in Istanbul so special.  KO tells GF that former staff are putting together ideas for a letter and KMO is checking status.  GF responds to KO that day saying she thought from the discussion in Istanbul that the letter was already drafted.  In any event she wants to see a draft that week.  KO replies the same day that they are hopeful that the former staff can pull something together soon/next week.

It is apparent that the content of the staff letter is not so much in question as to who will send it.  None of the former staff want to coordinate this effort.  MO, rightly, does not want to be the point person, but then, no one else wants to either.  This hampers their effort and puts KMO in a very awkward position vis-à-vis GF.  This will prove a continuing source of frustration to all concerned during the next six months.

Also on 11 April, MO responds to LG 21.03 saying that they did not feel that LG was authoritarian.  KMO just felt left out of the loop.  MO says in part, “Thank you for your message and we appreciate your readiness to apologize.  You are such a great role model for all of us…”  KMO are standing firm in their spiritual discernment and professional judgment and want to speak to LG on the telephone.  LG responds the next day thanking KMO “for the helpful message, and the good spirit in which it was written.”  LG does not have time to get involved, “So at this time I’m going to stay on the sidelines and encourage those to whom you are accountable to make progress towards resolution.  I hope you understand.”

This is a reasonable position for LG to take given his many responsibilities.  But then how to explain the many responses that LG makes to various letters that begin to arrive in early October and thereafter.  What are the reasons that cause him NOT to leave this matter in the hands of GF/GT?

In a 12 April email GF hopes that KMO can respect LG deferring this situation to her and GT.  KO replies that day saying, “This specific topic like many related ones, is very difficult to discuss via email.  We are working towards both justice and reconciliation, and doing our best to do so wisely.”  GF responds thinking that KO has forgotten to attach the draft letter from former staff.  KO replies still the same day saying that the draft is still in process.  KO outlines that the basic suggestions being developed are: 1. have an organizational review involving former staff.  2. Based on the outcome of this review to invite former staff to a round table discussion to look at areas of concern and the way forward.

This response throws up many complications which would appear from the outside to be insurmountable and reflects the impasse that exists both between former staff and LR, and between KMO and former staff over coordination.

GF probably feels that the process is stalled and that she needs to be more directive towards KO.

In an email still on 12 April, GF tells KO that she does not accept that issues with ES are YWAM’s fault.  “Please recall that you both [KMO] not only joined Le Rucher after Erik had left YWAM  (with Le Rucher) -  but did so against the counsel of YWAM leadership in Europe….”  GF refers to discussions with KMO at their house in August 2004 in which KO supposedly said that he could only give 10% of his time to YWAM then and that Bill Taylor was his main functional accountability person.  GF also claims that in March 2005 KO and GF agreed that KO would transition out of his role as Y Member Care Service Coordinator because he could only give 10% of time to Y.  GF says, “The very first time you ever backed off on this 10% was after you fell out with WEA last summer and then reversed some on this.”  GF says that she is not responsible for other former LR staff, but she is responsible for KO and so wants KO to take some action. 

Some of the content of this message from GF is suspect.  How could GF and KO have agreed “that KO would transition out of his role as Y Member Care Service Coordinator” if he was reappointed for a new 3-4 year term in this position with Ah Kie at Harpenden in April 2006.  Perhaps some private discussions are being taken out of context.

KO responds to this lengthy message from GF, “I understand you are frustrated and concerned.  It is clear that we have different perspectives and styles.  Let’s do our best to talk about this and hang in there for collaboration/problem-solving…”

GF is caught in a complicated situation where she is probably being pressured by LG, but unable to move KMO.  GF will not talk to any of the former staff because seemingly she does not see it as a YWAM problem to sort out.  We do not really know how knowledgeable GF is about NCI and LR.  Perhaps GF does not have the background to adequately address these challenges.

On 15 April KO sends a letter of apology to the MemCa LT regarding SA. KO copies this letter to GF next day. 

On 16 April MO emails former LR staff with a heavy heart, “The heaviness we feel also relates to the weight/pressure that is on us, and Kelly in particular, to move forward toward “resolution and successful reconciliation” by our leadership in YWAM.  We are not sure what the potential consequences might be if we aren’t seen as doing this…. A clear, concise proposal from us jointly and possibly other former staff is important.”  MO reiterates that this should be coordinated by someone besides KMO.  MO asks, “Who is going to do an independent review, etc. (for example, Peacemakers?) and who should initiate it (YWAM)?”

KMO have the right ideas, but not the resources or process to execute them.  This is true in many cases.

Sally Smith responds to MO 16.04 with a report on the Crossroads AGM earlier that evening of 18.04, “At church tonight there was confession of sin, asking for forgiveness, giving of forgiveness and prayer for one another… Both Erik and Jeltje spoke publicly and echo’d the importance of this, I spoke to Jeltje afterwards and said I felt that this was what we needed to see in the Le Rucher situation.”  Sally thinks they should build on this.

On 19/20 April MO and GF correspond about the level of communication there has been between former staff and Erik/LR Board.  GF is surprised to discover that there has been no communication since April 2005.  GF had hoped to see a draft letter to LR Board last week, now wants one this week.

On 25 April MO emails GF to say that former LR staff need more time to reflect and think.  MO mentions events at Crossroads Church with respect to repentance and forgiveness. 

On the same day MO emails LG wanting to know what is going on behind the scenes.  It seems that others are talking to LG about KMO, but KMO cannot talk to LG.  KMO want to know how LG has been involved and want to talk about this on the phone.

LG responds the next day saying, “I think I can understand why you want to talk to me, given that others have conveyed their perspectives, but I want to reassure you that I have not formed any firm opinions on this subject and will get updates from Gina from time to time.”

Also on 26 April, GF shares her frustration with the slow pace of the former LR staff in drafting a letter—there does not seem to be any advance since October 2006.

On 30 April KMO give a final response to LG 26.04 saying, “We respect your decision.  However, we wish it were different.  We have been here before and we just don’t want to see history repeat itself and vulnerable people affected.”

For the next five months LG will be out of the picture.  He has achieved his objective of passing this matter back to GF.  The story now returns to KMO/former staff taking action.

On 6 May MO emails former staff with two proposals for consideration, both involving an independent organizational review followed by a round table discussion.  Sally Smith, in an email the next day, thinks that asking for an organizational review would appear to be a “tribunal”.  She continues, “God has not asked us to be responsible in the lives of it’s current and future staff, but He does ask us to be responsible for doing all we can to bring about reconciliation…  I agree that justice is important, but again we cannot demand it of an organization we no longer have any relationship with…”

In a response next day to Sally, KO supports the concept of an organizational review—doesn’t want to confuse accountability with forgiveness.  KO wonders how long they should wait for a heart shift.  “We walk with tender forgiving hearts and we walk with sober discerning minds.”

There is an ongoing tension between the importance of justice vs reconciliation.  KMO are holding out for a measure of justice, as well as setting a good example in dealing with dysfunction.  This is probably somewhat unique, and it is presenting YWAM with an unexpected challenge.

Also on 7 May, MO updates GF/GT with the problems former staff are having arranging a conference call and with more news of the reconciliation taking place at Crossroads.  MO asks GT if he has learned anymore about independent reviews and their application.

GT replies the next day to MO, “Unfortunately I have hit a bit of a blank on reviews.  People I have written to have either not replied or offered no help.  All I have found out is that it usually is very expensive to conduct.  After the initial activity I also backed off a little in that Le Rucher not being part of Y it is not our prime responsibility to engage in this review necessarily.  Probably still very good and appropriate to happen but not our priority right now is what I understand.”

GT is correct that reviews are very expensive and time consuming, and also correct to say “probably still very good and appropriate to happen.”  But who told him that it is not our priority right now??  Did this come from LG??  Where does GT’s sympathy lie here?

Correspondence continues on a weekly basis.  On about 20 May GF asks if there is any chance that KMO will be able to send their letter to Le Rucher before 25 May.  KO responds on 24 May saying they hope to connect soon with some former staff.  Also on 24 May KO emails Ah Kie saying in part, “There are just some times when in obedience to God, professional judgment, and in solidarity with others (if possible), we must stand firm with integrity, whether others understand or agree or not…”

GF responds to KO on 28 May expressing her surprise that there was no letter attached to KO 24.05.  Asks if her request to have one by 25 May was unreasonable.  She asks KO to make this letter a priority over any other of his work.

MO emails former staff on 29 May and 6 June attempting to reach a consensus on a draft letter.  Sally has stated that she will not join the group if an independent review is requested.

KO returns from a trip and emails former LR staff on 16 June emphasizing solidarity and sobriety and saying, “I continue to have pressure put on me by a leader in YWAM and it can look very much like I am doing nothing and avoiding things, which is not true—I and we are talking as best we can and cautiously considering what is best.”  KO emails GF/GT the same day saying that former staff are praying and waiting carefully.  He hopes that former staff can finalize their LR proposal soon.

On 23 June Brills email wondering if anything has really changed from four years ago when they asked the LR Board for an outside review and were denied.  “..So, has God removed that boulder and now we are to proceed with reconciliation or is the boulder still there and we are not to move forward.  If we don’t move forward Kelly and Michele will probably suffer the most from that decision.”  Later that day in response to the Brills, Sally Smith confirms that there has been no heart shift in the parties concerned.  She suggests that former staff draft a letter to YWAM in support of KMO so that they can continue their ministry without blame or hindrance.

A major shift has taken place here.  No letter will go to the LR Board.  The former LR staff have been a road block in GF’s plans to push KMO into reconciliation.

On 25 June GF expresses her frustration at lack of action on LR.  She wants a date when she can expect a letter to be sent.  KO responds to GF on 27 June saying that MO is in contact with former staff.  KMO are leaving on holiday soon.

On 3 July the Hylands give their support to Sally’s proposal of 23 June to write a letter of support for KMO to YWAM.  KO recognizes general agreement to send support letter in an email of 14 July and agrees to draft something.

On 26 July KMO send out draft support letter to former staff and ask for letter to be sent out by someone besides themselves.  At same time MO notifies GF of efforts to connect with former LR staff and finalize letter so that it can be sent out soon.

GF is still not aware that former LR staff are now working on a very different type of letter with a very different destination.  In a sense GF does not have enough face-to-face contact with KMO to stay sensitive to the evolution of this important matter.  It is interesting that GF never tried to meet again with KMO after seeing them in Turkey in March.

On 3 August GF gives KMO an ultimatum, “By August 17, 2007, I want to be copied on the letter you and this group send to Le Rucher requesting an independent review or mediation OR I want to be copied on the one you (Kelly) are personally sending Eric from YOURSELF….  Perhaps you are too close to see this situation objectively and need to rely on your leader (myself) and counselor (Garry)…. This conflict (or your YWAM position) must be resolved.  This conflict has and continues to cause more problems.”

The same day KMO email GT asking if they can speak to GT urgently.

The die is now cast even though it will take another four months to result in KO’s dismissal.  It is notable that the single issue here is a lack of willingness on the part of KMO to write to LR Board and Eric.  There are no other “issues” at this stage.

On 7 August KMO draft an email that was never sent where they hope GF will not set deadlines for them.  KMO also say, “There are specific things that have developed more recently as well, that we cannot yet disclose…  We continue to obey God and hold firm…we hope our organization this time will back us up and protect us in such an important matter.”

The “specific things that have developed more recently”have to do with NCI? This is the first sign of KO’s dismissal and NCI merging in KMO’s interaction with GF.  Now KMO have two YWAM related issues.

Between 9 and 13 August amendments are made to the  letter of support which is finally sent out on 18 August to GF/GT by the Brills.  The letter itself is dated 14 August.  In the letter former LR staff describe the careful process they have followed in deciding that the time is not right yet to meet with ES.  They also recognize the integrity that KMO have exhibited and the burden they have carried in recent months.

GT replies the same day, “Just a wee response to say thank you for the message and, that since Gina has already left for Korea and probably will not see it before arriving there, to acknowledge receipt of it.  We will connect there and be in touch.”

GF replies on 25 August from Jeju, Korea, where the GLT is meeting from 21-28 August, saying, “I am very sorry that I did not receive a copy of a letter from you (with or without your group of friends) to either Le Rucher or to Erik as I asked of you…  I will be seeking counsel from various senior YWAM leaders on what we must do now.”

It would appear that someone [GF or LG??] had set a deadline of 17 August so that KMO’s status could be discussed in Korea.  It would appear that there is considerable interest from the top leaders in what KMO are doing.

On 31 August the YWAM GLT issue a press release announcing the unilateral extension of the terms of office for Team3 members without nominations.  Normally it would seem that nominations would be made and a vote taken.

Is it overly suspicious to think that Team3 has something to hide and does not want to take a chance on the possible independence of new Team3 members?

On 5 September, KO receives an email from Joe Paskewich, pastor of KMO’s church in Connecticut saying, “…praying with you and standing with you…if YWAM disciplines you I’m going to jump in…”

On 6 September Ah Kie emails KO wondering how they are doing, “I saw Gina in Jeju and she gave me her version of the situation.”  Ah Kie wants the best for KMO.  [But what is that?]  KO thanks AK the same day.  AK responds the next day questioning whether KMO’s stance is honoring to God.  “I pray that everything will come to light and things will be done in a loving way.  In reconciliation sometimes people go their separate ways and that is ok but at least there is open talk.”

It seems that the dominant ethos in YWAM is on “reconciliation” and obedience, and that there is little interest in “justice” and health.  This is a continual tension for KMO.

On 12 September KO receives a warning letter from GF dated 6 September saying that KO has one month to begin a mediation process with Erik.  GF wants to know by 29 September what KO’s position is.  She says in part, “Your refusal to attempt to resolve this conflict with another ministry is unacceptable and a serious conduct issue…  A notable number of complaint letters about you and your behavior have been sent to YWAM leadership…”

Who wrote these complaint letters??  Are there not complaints also about ES?  If ES is serious about reconciliation, he should contact KO in keeping with Matthew 5:23-24, ‘If your brother has something against you, leave your gift before the altar and go, first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift.’  It seems very much that ES is being protected at KO’s expense.  Why???

On 16 September KMO receive encouragement from their pastor in California, Bill van Derripe, “I just hate it when politics raises its ugly head in ministry.  Stay the course brave warriors.”  KMO respond to Bill regarding GF’s letter, “There was/is no clear or discussed or agreed upon protocol that is being followed.”  Mention is also made that KMO are also consulting at this time about how to disclose the NCI fraud.  This is the first explicit mention in the YWAM record about NCI.

YWAM seem to be applying to KO the JRG procedures for disciplining new staff, not for addressing issues of long serving senior staff where mediation is called for.  This is really a subtle abuse of the guidelines if YWAM is in fact following any guidelines at all.  KMO are very distressed and confused as to what procedures and process are being followed.

On 17 September Steve Harper, associate pastor of KMO’s church in Connecticut sends encouragement, “A lesson Joe learned many moons ago and one I learned much later is your identity and your esteem can only be derived from God.  It’s nice to be thought and spoken well of but how many people applauded have turned out to be sour.  How many spoken ill of have later had the whole picture revealed.  Until we all see with His eyes and not “through a glass darkly”, perversion of our perspectives will prevail.”

This is a perceptive comment at the time.  KMO are receiving support from their churches, which is important at this time in giving them confidence to maintain their position.  KMO are trying to get advice.

On 18 September KMO had their first meeting with Rand Guebert (RG), a friend from Crossroads Church, who lives near them in Gex, France.  RG has a background in the oil industry and useful financial expertise, as well as recent experience as an elder at Crossroads Church, where the Spruyts attend as well as KMO.  RG advises KMO that NCI is a common “boilerplate” fraud.  In written comments about NCI and YWAM made the next day, RG says, “The solicitation scheme for NCI only succeeds because of the inferred reputation of YWAM…  NCI is effectively trading on the credibility and reputation of YWAM…”

Although KMO had reported the fraud to several governmental organizations, they now resolved to report the fraud to YWAM so that YWAM could take precautionary steps to protect themselves and others.

On 21 September KMO try to link their supporters together so they can receive a reality check from this group.  KMO want to meet with Y leadership to report the fraud and also want to develop response to GF before deadline of 29 September.  Later on 21 September KMO email LG and Team3 asking for an urgent meeting with LG to inform him about a very serious matter which has become known and which could negatively affect YWAM’s staff and international reputation and credibility.

Between 21-26 September LG responds to KMO.  Although the message is missing from the record, it appears that LG declines to meet with them and directs them to GF.

On 26 September, MO asks LG (copies to T3) to reconsider meeting with them and gives update about contacts with government agencies.  Also tells LG that many people are grieved that YWAM is attempting to dismiss KO.

On 28 September LG continues to direct KMO to GF.  LG has complete confidence in GF.  LG also thinks KO needs to meet with Erik.  MO asks one final time for LG to reconsider meeting with them.

On 29 September MO speaks with Dr. Jean Morehead (JM), a retired former YWAM associate, who urges her to speak with Jon Dawson (JD), Team3 member, and describe the gravity of the situation.

Also on 29 September, Jan Pauw (JP) in an email to GT gives a little history of their time at LR.  JP and his wife, Henny, were at LR from January 2001 to October 2003.  In summer 2003 Jan asked ES about reconciliation with KMO.  Erik said this was not an appropriate subject for public discussion.  Jan says in part, “In trying to defend their viewpoint, Jeltje later (in informal setting) mentioned to us that this was not the first time Kelly was causing problems.  He had had the same type of problems with Garry and Anke, in other words:  Kelly had brought his own problems with him to Le Rucher.  Kelly and Michele have denied Jeltje’s statement.  They say they can look back on an excellent relationship with you.  We thought it important to bring this into the open, for the sake of justice.”

It seems that JP is rightfully questioning Jeltje’s statement by appropriately writing to GT. This begins a series of communications from former LR staff to YWAM leaders [Team3, GF, GT] describing their experiences with ES and LR.  This is the point where the LR section of this review interfaces with the YWAM section—the past is prologue.

On 30 September, former LR staff follow with a second letter of support for KO, and Jim Longhurst, former pastor of Crossroads, sends his story of pastoral involvement with ES and ES’s refusal to talk to the former LR staff as a group.  On this day KO also responds to GF’s 29th deadline.  KO deeply values GF and her leadership, but is appealing his case in the heavenly realm, “I trust that in the immediate future (this week) some very important information will be brought to the attention of Team Three, and Garry and yourself.  This information, I am confident, will quickly lead to a clear decision about the right way forward.”  Also on this day MO emails JD asking to speak to him as soon as possible to discuss the best way to proceed.

LG responds the same day to the former LR staff email in support of KO, “The long-standing request, and now requirement, that Kelly should cooperate in a mediation process with the leadership of Le Rucher is consistent with both Biblical commands and YWAM justice and appeals procedures.  This is not an attempt to dismiss Kelly, it is a statement that he cannot continue, year after year, to refuse to cooperate with a straightforward process.  The decision is Kelly’s.  This matter is being dealt with competently and compassionately by Gina Fadely and Garry Tissingh standing alongside her….they know the circumstances better and the members of Team3 will not allow them to be bypassed without legitimate cause.  We have not seen such a cause.  Therefore, all future communication needs to be with Gina and Garry.  I am sure that I speak on behalf of John Dawson and Iain Muir when I say that we deeply regret that it has come to this, but Kelly still holds the key to resolve this situation.”

LG continues to direct people to GF and GT.  LG would do better not to comment at all.  There is no mediation process for KO to cooperate with.  The background of this strategy of LG is still obscure.

On October 1 both LG and GT reply to Jim Longhurst.  LG tells Jim that GF is now dealing with this and, “I am also relieved to say that Erik is now willing to engage with mediation.  Sadly, Kelly now appears to be unwilling…Erik is not under our authority, but Kelly does claim to be a YWAM staff member…  We appreciate your understanding of those former events.”  GT also replies this day to JP.

In both of GT’s responses of 1 October to Jim and JP he says, “…in terms of my involvement and responsibility it is to encourage Kelly to be willing to move towards mediation and reconciliation with Erik….  We realize there are many matters and issues involved ‘behind the scenes’ but never the less it will begin by making this initial step…”

It is becoming clear now that LG is the point person for this on Team3 and that he is attempting to hide behind GF and GT, even on the matter of the fraud where he should take responsibility.  There is a serious effort underway to blame KO.  It is interesting that GT takes a very hands off approach and does not in any way address JP’s query about his relationship with KO.  GT is failing in every way to offer any advocacy for KO.

Also on 1 October MO calls JD’s office for the first time and asks to speak to Andy Zimmerman (AZ), JD’s personal assistant.  AZ directs MO to GF or Jeff Fountain (JF), European regional director.  MO maintains that this is a Team3 matter.  AZ will forward the message to JD.

On 2 October MO emails T3/GF/GT asking how KO’s dismissal would be consistent with Y J&R Guidelines, asks what protocol is being followed.  KMO are appealing this unclear and unfair process.

Also on 2 October the Hylands send their LR story to GT, copy to T3/GF.  They refer to GT 18.08 where GT says that he will be in touch, but he has not been.  Now they would like to hear GT’s thoughts on the dismissal ultimatum KO has been given.  They say, “The truth should be clearly discovered, both for the sake of YWAM’s integrity, and because Kelly’s reputation is at stake….In our estimation, this dispute is not really about Kelly.  It is one of much wider implications.  It is a matter of team dynamics and perceived use and abuse of authority…”

Also on 2 October the Brills and JP separately send their LR story to Team3/GF/GT, and Ron Williams sends a request for YWAM leaders to carefully consider what they are doing, as KMO are doing what they are doing because they have integrity and sensitivity to the spirit.

In a response the same day to Ron Williams, LG defends YWAM, “…the WEA and another agency in Europe from which Kelly has been alienated have been urging us to take action on this for several years….Our requirements are not drastic.  This has been very slow, prayerful and patient process with every opportunity for all to be understood….  Gina Fadely is dealing with this issue competently and prayerfully.  She can call on me or others if needed.  I will now leave any further communication to her.”

LG cannot resist commenting on this matter.  Who in WEA and MC-Europe is LG referring to that would go back “several years”—Bill Taylor and Arie Baak perhaps??  There must be some reason why LG cannot leave this subject alone and simply have GF respond.  He says he wants to defer to GF, but then he doesn’t.

Also on 2 October, MO calls AZ again because she has not heard from JD.  AZ says that JD is aware, but is deferring to LG.  MO recounts her frustration in trying to engage with Team3.  AZ reaffirms that this is LG’s matter.

On 3 October GF acknowledges to former staff and friends of KMO, “I am appreciative of your concern for the current situation with Kelly O’Donnell and acknowledge that there are unfortunate issues that you have dealt with in the past; these are perhaps issues that may need to come up with a mediation group.”  Reaffirms that LG does not want to receive emails on this subject.  GF also asks, “If you have not already done so, it may be good that you read my letters in their entirety before responding to them.”

Also on 3 October Jim and Jean Morehead email JD and ask him to respond to KMO and to join in the investigation of this most grave situation involving financial fraud.  The Moreheads also give a strong character reference for KMO, who are encouraged that the Moreheads have made this strong plea on their behalf.

On 5 October Henny Pauw sends her LR story to T3/GF.  LG refers Henny to GF saying, “I am not making the decisions in this matter and this volume of emails is not making a positive contribution to what should be a straight forward mediation situation.”

In a response to a further message from the Brills, GF says on 5 October that she is sorry for the grief that they have experienced.  She says that neither Erik or LR are under YWAM legal or spiritual authority.

Also on 5 October, JD responds to the Moreheads thanking them for their letter and saying that he will forward their comments to Lynn Green who is responsible.  He recognizes that “this is a separate matter from the dynamics surrounding Kelly O’Donnell and I’m sure that he will proceed to investigate this matter promptly.”

JD says this, but there is no evidence that LG does anything to investigate this matter.  There is a pattern of obstruction in this correspondence.  Also YWAM consistently tries to frame the discussion in terms of “the dynamics surrounding Kelly”, which is also an obstruction of the real issues.

On 8 October there is a conference call between GF and KMO/RG.  GF is calling to get information about the fraud allegations that have been made to YWAM.  KMO say that they were advised not to speak to GF about this, but to Team3.  KMO want to keep fraud and KO dismissal separate.  RG thought that GF had a conflict of interest in handling both.  KMO needed outside advice on the fraud as it involves more than just them.  An impasse is reached in the call and KMO ask GF to pass their position to Team3.  GF is still waiting for a response from KO on his position regarding LR and Erik.

There is really no room for new developments now.  GF is not in any real sympathy with KMO.

On 10 October the Hylands email Team3/GF/GT wondering why YWAM does not believe KMO.  This in response to GF 03.10.

GF responds to the Hylands saying she is sorry for the problems that they encountered, but neither ES or LR are under Y authority.  She says Kelly is responsible, “….I believe much damage has come from his unwillingness to resolve past conflicts…  What I am doing, I feel, is with compassion and concern for Kelly, his reputation, and his future ministry.”

On 12 October GF emails KO, “I sense that it now really comes down to your willingness to do as your leaders and spiritual authorities in YWAM ask of you…  If not, you are basically revoking that spiritual authority that you voluntarily gave to us when you joined this organization.”

On 17 October Jan Rowland and Mintie Nel send their LR stories to Team3 and on 19 October Sean and Lynn Collins send their LR story.  The contributions of Sean Collins (SC) during the next six months are very important to the story.  This is his first letter.

JD sympathizes with Jan and Mintie and offers an apology.  He commends them for their personal reconciliation with the Spruyts.

It is at this time that KMO come across a 1986 article from Floyd McClung who was Executive Director of YWAM at the time entitled, “Authority:  Its Use and Abuse – A Christian Perspective”.

The article highlights how easy it is to blame the victim when there are problems.  This is essentially what YWAM is trying to do to KO and is consistent with authoritarian practices.

On 2 November GF emails KO wanting to talk on the telephone.  GF has deferred the fraud matter to JF.  “In the meantime, until I can clearly see my way forward, I want to ask if you are willing to proceed to other conflicts that I feel you also need to deal with….”

This is the first time that GF is shifting the need for reconciliation away from ES/LR to other matters.  YWAM probably realizes that they are on shaky ground with ES now that details of the NCI fraud are coming out and that they need to put pressure on KO from another direction.  This is very sinister and suspicious, especially since GF knows that these “other conflicts” involve far more than KMO—see Member Care Narrative for details.  Why does GF suddenly bring them up now?

Also on 2 November, JD thanks SC for his letter and apologizes on behalf of the Mission.  He says, “I am told that responsible leadership have become well informed about dysfunction, pain and broken relationships in the saga of the Le Rucher ministry team and are now grappling with the implications.”

In what way are they grappling with the implications??  Who is the responsible leadership?  This sounds almost like an admission of some responsibility.

On 7 November GF telephones and speaks to MO.  GF wants to speak to KO about the YWAM issues.  GF is not wanting to address the fraud or Erik issues.  In a note of the conversation MO says, “When she made some comment about my screening Kelly, I again reiterated that we had been advised, adding both internally and externally, to only speak with her face to face and with witnesses and drew a parallel with her [GF] recording this conversation.”

Why does GF want to record this conversation? It  seems to be unheard of in YWAM circles to make such recordings.  It seems that all trust has broken down now, which is primarily a failure for GF.  I think she did not imagine that the situation would develop in the way that it has where she is left in a no-win situation having to adopt a very heavy handed approach to KO.

On 12 November the Brills send GF an email expressing their amazement that YWAM continues to take no responsibility for LR or Erik when they were told before coming to LR that the center had strong ties to Y, “I just wonder, why no one has ever really tried to deal with a leader that seems to have so much power and influence over others lives.  Why is always someone else’s perpetration the cause?”  GF responds to the Brills and reaffirms that LR and Erik are not under YWAM authority, “We say this because it is the truth.  We would have preferred that Le Rucher not have left YWAM the way they did years ago but were unable to affect that at the time.  As Lynn wrote to you on October 2nd, “It is true that Erik left as a result of his unilateral decision (one that I and others confronted him about on several occasions) and that we don’t have any authority over him or the work there.  They are completely independent.”  GF does not know how much effort went into dealing with Erik over the years, but it was Erik who chose to leave so he would not have to be accountable to YWAM.

It is not at all clear what GF thinks of ES or KO herself.   GF has been asked to play a role which is falling apart before her eyes.

On 13 November SC sends another long letter to JD asking him to investigate matters for himself.  SC asks whether YWAM leaders accept responsibility for what happened at LR.

Also on 13 November the TROS Opgelicht television program airs in Holland bringing the NCI/SDI fraud into the public domain.  Two major Dutch newspapers run front-page stories on the fraud.  Next day JF responds with a posting on the YWAM GLT forum saying with regard to ES and KW, “We need to believe in our brothers’ innocence unless proved guilty…There seems little chance the money will be repaid.  Millions of euros are involved.  I believe Erik and Kristian have been unwittingly used by criminal elements to lure in trusting investors from the evangelical networks.”  JF does not want people to confuse Erik’s Mercy Ministries Int’l foundation with YWAM’s Mercy Ministries Int’l, which are completely separate even though they have the same name!

The TROS program is a watershed event.  It is one of the main interfaces between the YWAM section of this review and the NCI section.  NCI is now in the open as are many of YWAM’s relationships to it:  ES/KW/many investors.  One could well ask how JF knows so much about this matter:  little chance the money will be repaid, millions of euros involved, criminal elements—from where does he get this information?  Why does YWAM not express any concern for the investors?  Why do ES and YWAM have ministries with the same name??  The list of questions here is long.  What is going on to explain all of this?

Also on 14 November GF emails KO saying that she is disappointed that KO will not speak to her, “It is unfortunate that you seem only willing to receive counsel from others and not from your YWAM leaders.  Although I would rather have talked with you personally first about your past conflicts with the WEA and EEAMC that I was hoping to see you attempt to resolve, I have resigned myself to your unwillingness.  I cease my pleading.  I write now to let you know that my next communication is being sent to you via post.”

It is clear now that YWAM has removed ES and LR from the picture and substituted  the WEA and EEMA, which have never really been mentioned until two weeks ago.  This is very dubious coming as it does on the heels of the disclosure to YWAM of the fraud.  What happened to GF’s insistence on reconciliation with ES??

In should be noted that KMO have kept GF informed  about the WEA and EEMA matters, as well as doing all they can to meet with the people concerned.  Please see the Member Care Narrative for more details.

On 19 November JD responds to SC noting that GF and GT were copied on SC’s message.  JD trusts GF and GT to respond as they have first hand knowledge.

On 29 November RG sends his letter to the elders of Crossroads Church asking them to consider whether they have a responsibility to investigate matters at LR as ES is a member of the congregation.

On 1 December SC emails JD, with copies to other YWAM leaders, saying that GF and GT have not responded as JD said they would in JD’s message of 19.11.  SC does not accept JD’s deferral to GF and GT.  SC thinks YWAM leaders are abdicating their responsibility for protecting the flock and did so when LR was their responsibility also.  This is the third important message from SC.

GT finally responds to SC on 10 December.  On the question of why he has not responded, GT says, “As John Dawson responded on behalf of us I believed that was sufficient and there was no need to add to it.”  GT says he has never had anything to do with LR.  His job is to support GF and encourage KO to reconcile.

GT is in a muddle.  He has lost track of who has said what and has failed to grasp that the focus has shifted from ES and LR to the WEA and EEAMC.  GT seems to be  a sad figure in this story.  What has GT accomplished over these months except to embarrass himself and betray a friend?

On 11 December KO receives an email from the WEA MC EXCO dismissing him from the Missions Commission of the WEA for not following the requests made in the EXCO letter to him of 17 November 2007.

On 12 December KO, having recently returned from a trip, collects from the post office the YWAM dismissal letter that GF wrote on 3 December.  KO has until 14 December to register an appeal of his dismissal.  The same day KO emails the dismissal letters to RG wondering what to do and considering some options, “It is  now time we believe for a thorough, professional, independent review of all of these things.  We have the documents and we are very willing to share them as part of such a review.”

Next day KO emails his friends and supporters updating them on the dismissals and wanting to discuss next steps.

Also on 13 December KO emails GF/GT/Team3 stating that he has no plans to leave YWAM and registering his appeal of the dismissal.  “I along with many others are asking again for an independent, professional review about how and why this is happening.”

KMO will have to wait four more months until the dismissal review process with Iain Muir is exhausted, but eventually they will partially get their wish when a professional if not independent review is commenced.  This is a bruising and unfair battle.

In an email of 20 December to MO/RG, KO outlines his thoughts on an independent review.  He would like to get an article on good practice for such reviews.

On 22 December GF responds to KO 13.12 saying, “The decision to dismiss you from YWAM was not made lightly but rather after an extensive process.  YWAM’s Team3 will review my decision and make whatever judgment they feel is appropriate.”

What was this extensive process??  Why does she say “my” decision?  Why did GF never meet with KO after March 2007? Again there are many questions.

The next day RG emails KMO/Moreheads observing that this will probably be the last communication from GF.  RG wonders who from Team3 will respond.

On 28 December LG sends a long email to SC in response to SC’s messages of 13.11 and  01.12.  LG describes his long relationship with ES and LR.  LG says in part, “…in fact, we did not dismiss Erik but he and his board removed themselves from YWAM and created their own identity.  Erik knows we feel that such a course of action is ethically questionable, but we will not go to court to challenge it….  We did not hold legal or financial authority over Erik.  The only authority we had was whatever he granted us in his life…  We also felt that we were the victims of injustice…  We have had to make choices to forgive and to make every effort to be reconciled to Erik…”

WHY?? WHY?? WHY??  Why does LG out of nowhere intervene in such a major way after delegating this matter to GF and GT.  LG must feel that GF has failed and that he must placate the critics.  But why share all of this information that is damaging to YWAM or vague and sinister.  Even they recognize that Erik has acted unethically.  And why will they not go to court?  And why do they have to make every effort to be reconciled to Erik?  It would seem that Erik is blackmailing them in some way.  It could be that there is a deal in the background that has gone bad, which perhaps has something to do with NCI.  But why is LG entering the fray again??

After the Christmas holidays, on 8 January, IM responds to GF 22.12 saying that he has been asked to consider KO’s appeal.  He wants to know more about several inaccuracies that KO claimed were in GF’s letter, an unclear process and undisclosed information.

KO responds to IM on 10 January asking for an independent review and proposing an informal meeting in Geneva to discuss the way forward.  The same day KO sends Wilma Lloyd, an international lawyer in Holland, a short update and paper trail on the dismissal/appeal.

On 13 January IM emails KO that an independent review is not appropriate at this time.  IM will hear appeal on behalf of Team3 and tells KO, “I will not enter communications nor meet with any persons except yourself.”  IM wants an answer to his previous request for information before considering the next step.

The next day RG offers a commentary on IM’s message—citing many issues.  The message has an aura of fear about it, which would indicate something to hide.

This appeal/review process is very ad hoc and biased.  Much of its credibility rests with the objectivity of IM who in hindsight is highly compromised at this point having seen much of the correspondence with YWAM leaders since August.   What does IM fear in meeting with someone besides KO??  In the end IM never does meet with KO.  Why??

KMO are trying to get outside advice from Wilma, RG, Bruce Narramore, etc.  Much of the advice is somewhat contradictory, so it is not simple to plot strategy.  The best strategy for dealing with this situation could be the subject of a whole additional analysis.  How do you decide between fight and flight?  Do you separate the fraud from the dismissal and pursue only one of them?

On 16 January, RG sends KMO a commentary on LG’s message to SC of 28.12.  Many inconsistencies and issues are raised.

The death of MO’s brother on 15 January throws a delay into the dismissal review process.  KMO quickly depart for the USA for two weeks.

On 23 January IM emails KO because he has not heard anything in 10 days.  KO advises IM next day of the death of Michele’s brother and their urgent trip to US.

On 29 January there is a conference call between KO/RG in Geneva and MO/TJ/JP/Jim Longhurst in Boston.  It is a helpful update on situation for everyone. 

Also on 29 January KO emails Anke Tissingh, wife of GT, giving an update on the fraud investigation, KO’s request for an independent review, and Michele’s brother’s death.   Next day Anke responds with her condolences on the death and also with this comment on the fraud, “…this loss of money is indeed affecting many and we hear sad stories, and I am very worried and concerned about that too.  Again, I want to say I do not want to lose my friendship with Michele and you… really helped and championed me, and I will always be thankful for that!”  [It should be noted that Anke’s sister is the wife of Jeff Fountain.]  KO responds that day saying it is time for organizations involved in the NCI fraud, or who received money, to stand up and be counted.  Anke answers back on the same day, “I do not think it is right for me to give any comments on the fraud issue, other than what I said, how very sad I have found this to be….  I have just wanted to say that I want to keep our friendship with you both, and I hope that this is OK with you even if I’d prefer to not further comment.”

It seems that the Tissinghs know more than they are saying and are struggling to maintain their friendship with KMO—somehow they are rationalizing this.  It also seems to me that they are the weak link in the YWAM chain, which is trying to contain the fraud.  The Tissinghs are in a very awkward spot, and like others are having to make some important ethical decisions regarding personal integrity or partisan loyalty.

During these days KO is thinking about people to connect with in a support group.  On 30 January in a message to Bill van Derripe, KO thinks it is time for KMO’s supporting churches to write to YWAM in their support.  Also that day in an email to the participants in the conference call of the previous day KO reflects on the discussion and the need for others to take the weight off of KMO—they feel isolated.

On 31 January, IM sends his condolences for Roger Lewis and says, “The appeal can go no further without the information from you of its basis and rationale.”  He asks for a response in seven days.  On this day RG emails the participants in the conference call of the 29th cautioning, “We have to keep from getting too tired, too burned out, disillusioned, etc.”

On 1 February without the knowledge of KMO, KO’s father, Richard, sends a handwritten letter to Leland Paris, Director of YWAM-Garden Valley, where Richard sends his YWAM donations, asking if KO’s dismissal has anything to do with KO’s reporting of the NCI fraud.

Various people have come to the idea that KO may have been discredited and dismissed for being a whistleblower.  Only time will tell whether this is true, but the indications are pointing this way.

On 6 February, KO sends his dismissal review submission to IM focusing on three issues:  1.  Unfair process, 2. LR/ES and NCI/SDI, and 3. WEA/MC-Europe relationships.

On 8 February KMO/RG receive from Donna Seymour the Austrian document, which links ES and /KW and perhaps Mercy Ships to known fraudsters. 

This was another watershed event similar to the TROS television show.  For the first time there appeared to be a tangible link between YWAM and fraudulent activity.

On 15 February Pierre Christ, Geneva banker and Crossroads member, asks Jim Longhurst in a telephone conversation if he can watch the TROS video.  Pierre is a Board member of Mercy Ships Switzerland.

On 17 February, SC sends long reply to LG 28.12 addressing various inconsistencies and evasions regarding ES/LR, “What about your own case, Lynn?  How do you account for the fact that you found it so “hard at the time to understand what you were dealing with?”  Surely you do not imagine that the spiritual chaos and emotional devastation that has followed in the wake of Erik Spruyt’s administration is due merely to normal relational dynamics?...”  This is the fourth of SC’s long messages.

On 19 February RG watches TROS video with Pierre Christ at Pierre’s house.  Pierre mentions that he has very good contacts with Don Stephens, Steve Goode and ES amongst others.

On 20 February IM emails KO saying that he has not heard from him, implying that he did not receive the 6 February message.  IM now asks for more information and wants a response by 1 March.  Later that day KO resends 6 February message to IM.

Also on 20 February RG sends out first analysis of the Austrian document explaining the financial transaction that is the basis of the document.

In an undated letter Mark Brock, CFO of YWAM-Garden Valley, responds to Richard O’Donnells letter of 1 February directing him to write to Iain Muir in Switzerland with any questions regarding KO.  Mark does not acknowledge the fraud issue raised by Richard.

During these weeks KO is in the USA teaching.

On 14 March IM responds to KO 20.02 and KO 06.02 saying, “…you do not really present any evidence for an appeal to be heard.  What we need to hear are your specific complaints concerning how you have been dealt with by your immediate leaders in YWAM.  The leadership at Le Rucher removed themselves from YWAM.  I believe that was communicated at the time.  Please give us details of why you feel your dismissal from YWAM was unfair.  The time limit of two months to provide this has run out but I will wait a little longer, say one week more.”

IM is obscuring the appeal process by accusing KO of a failure to communicate.  This appears to be a totally ad hoc and opaque process, whose main goal seems to be to discredit KO rather than to provide a fair hearing.

On 15 March Joe Paskewich forwards the response of LG to his letter [which is not in the record].  LG says that KO needs to “start reconciliation process with those from whom he has become alienated.  Sadly, there is a considerable number of such people in various international evangelical organizations.  I mention this briefly simply to say that you have been misinformed.  There has been very extensive, patient and thorough processing of these issues…”

Why does LG answer these letters rather than forwarding them to GF?  Perhaps since KO’s dismissal LG does not feel that GF has a role any more.  It would seem to be a strategic mistake for him to reenter this process.

In an email of 17 March to KMO, Todd Johnson indicates that people he is meeting are supportive of KMO.  Thinks the case of KMO is complex and this may work against them.

In an email of 19 March RG emphasizes to KMO how important it is to continue to take a professional approach in their response to IM.

On 20 March MO informs IM that KO is traveling and they will respond to IM 14.03 in the next week or so.

On 25 March KO sends out an update.  An IFMLT consultation is taking place in Thailand later in the week.  Several people are writing letters to YWAM leaders.  During the next couple of days there is a discussion between KMO/RG/TJ over whether KO’s dismissal should be raised at the IFMLT meeting and whether there would be any benefit in KO/RG being there.  It is finally agreed that no action should be taken by KO’s supporters unless it is professional and well documented—nothing should be undertaken that is amateurish or divisive. 

On 27 March KMO send their 15 page dismissal review response to IM focusing on the same three subject headings as the 06.02 response.  This message is also sent out to KMO’s friends and supporters separately.

On 28 March Ron Williams writes to KO, “I am impressed by both your email to YWAM leadership and the attached documentation.  Its tone is respectful, factual, and clear…  It was a welcomed change from the tone of the email from your colleagues (I presume) which reflected legitimately hurt feelings, but would prove counterproductive I suspect.”

During these days KMO reflect on the J&R Guidelines and certain distortions that GF has made in her dismissal letter of 3 December, but no additional submissions are ever sent to IM.

On 29 March two senior YWAM staff members give their lengthy analyses of the flawed process of KO’s dismissal in light of the J&R Guidelines.

It seems that YWAM is not interested in a fair process, but a process that serves to discredit KO.  People imagine that the playing field is level in this case when it is not.  I also thought the playing field was level for some time as I could not bring myself to believe that it was not.

Later on 29 March RG emails KMO recognizing the support of these YWAM leaders, but also saying, “I have always in my life emphasized issues and integrity over process and procedure.  I believe in process and procedure, but I think most problems (and solutions) stem from issues and integrity.  Clever managers are able to sidestep procedure.”

During these days KO is thinking of different ways to encourage people to come forward and/or write to YWAM leaders.

On 2 April TJ emails KMO a newsletter that LG has sent out to all YWAM staff.  It says in part, “I am going to give you quite a lot of information that I hope will be really helpful to you…  All that is to underline the importance of you feeling the freedom to contact my team and me if you become aware of a crisis or if you find yourself immersed in very difficult and unexpected circumstances.  Then we can assist you…”

This is a hypocritical statement when considering what KMO have just been through.  Why are KMO being treated as they are??

On 5 April KO receives a message from the Sagals in Colorado thanking him for his recent teaching on Member Care, “What an asset you are to YWAM.”

On 14 April RG first proposes an “independent review” and discusses the time involved and the need for a committee to be involved.

On 16 April RG sends his comments on LG letter to Joe Paskewich [see JP 15.03]  Again there are many inconsistencies and issues in LG’s letter.

Also on 16 April IM sends his response to KMO 27.03 saying that he does not find any credence in KMO’s request for an appeal.  IM blames KO for broken relationships and alleges that KO has some kind of disorder.  All three members of Team3 sign this message.

There are some quite serious allegations in this very cynical response.  This email confirms the bias of IM and the futility of the supposed review.  Nonetheless this review process allowed KMO to put their cards on the table and flushed out substantial correspondence from Team3, who put themselves on the record for better or for worse.

One has to also wonder why all three members of Team3 sign this statement.  Is this an attempt to snuff out any further appeal?  Is it some show of superficial unity?  Why do they all take responsibility for what is an unprofessional and shameful message??  Why does John Dawson sign this?  It is very puzzling.

On 17 April RG outlines in an email the process and organization of a professional review.  The same day KMO send out IM’s rejection to their friends and supporters.  Later that day RG tells KMO that he finds IM’s message disappointing and disturbing.  It is superficial and fails to address the issues.  RG will redouble his efforts to set the record straight as per his earlier message that day.

On 18 April Walt Stuart and Jonathan Ward, members of MC-Europe, send letter of support for KMO to YWAM leaders and question Kelly’s dismissal.

In retrospect it probably would have been more relevant for Walt and Jonathan to also question KMO’s banishment from MC-Europe and not just from YWAM.  Nonetheless at this stage it serves to show that KMO were not alone in their concerns with MC-Europe.

On 19 April Hollis Lewis sends letter to Team3 on behalf of the O’Donnell and Lewis families—more than 20 people.  The letter [dated 10 April] focuses on KMO’s integrity, their sincere and ongoing attempts to deal with group conflict in other settings, and the existence of the NCI fraud.

Later that day LG responds to Hollis, “I will copy Iain Muir’s letter to Kelly and Michele below in the hope that it will provide both some of the heart and background information that seems to have been missing from your awareness in recent times….  It is most regrettable that you have lost investment funds and I am sure that fact has produced hardship.  I was completely unaware of that investment scheme, neither did our other international leaders know.”

It is hard to understand why LG continues to involve himself in this correspondence saying the things he does.  Is there no one else for him to turn to?  Perhaps not.  He seems to have been stuck with this thankless task of being the Team3 point person for the NCI/KMO defense.  Time will tell whether LG “was completely unaware of that investment scheme”.

Also on 19 April RG sends his first draft of a professional review proposal to KMO.

On 21 April KMO send out their Spring newsletter with this 2 April posting from Rebecca Rowley reporting in YWAM Global News on the North American consultation on Staff Development and Care, 10-14 March 2008, where KO was a presenter, “Our fantastic guest speaker, Dr. Kelly O’Donnell, a psychologist, based in Geneva working with YWAM, pillar of Member Care both inside & outside of YWAM, lead us through a great amount of quality content during the week, not without lots of practical activities and a solid sense of humor that got us off our seats more than once!”

During the next couple of days KO exchanges email messages with Bruce Narramore regarding allegations in IM 16.04.

On 23 April KO sends MO/RG a list of ways people could help them including an attachment, “Some historical perspectives from Kelly:  Readings, musings, input from friends”.

It is difficult in these kinds of circumstances to know what to do, especially when relevant people are far away.  To whom does one turn?  KMO/RG have known for some time that without the police investigation KMO would be rather powerless against a large organization.  It is potential state intervention that is the backbone of KMO’s efforts as well as the efforts of other NCI victims and many other concerned people.

On 26 April MO emails IM, “We do not agree with the assertions or the conclusions of your response.  Nor do we accept the ongoing avoidance of the main concerns that we and others have expressed.  There are no grounds for dismissal and the attempt to dismiss Kelly is highly inappropriate and violates YWAM (and YWAM FM) procedures and guidelines.  In fact, this whole dismissal and appeal process undermines those procedures and guidelines as well as the people they are meant to serve.  We ask you again, to rescind this dismissal attempt and to work amicably together to put a proper review process in place.”

IM answers back immediately saying, “I have nothing further to contribute on this.”

It is probably fair to ask what IM has contributed, other than to discredit and embarrass himself.  It is not clear how much he knows about the NCI fraud.  It would seem that he has never had a desire to be involved with this whole sorry affair.

On 27 April SC sends KMO a long analysis of LG’s message of 19 April to Hollis Lewis .  SC identifies various links between ES and YWAM.  This is the fifth long letter from SC.

On 28 April the Moreheads, who have been traveling, email KMO and ask if KMO have decided to contact a professional regulatory body yet.

On 1 May, in advance of the TRUPE meeting of former LR staff scheduled for 4-6 May, KO sends out a timeline with key events and a list of key documents/emails.  Former LR staff are meeting to pray together, as well as discuss current developments relating to YWAM and NCI.

Also on this day RG sends out his commentary on IM 16.04 to KMO friends and supporters.  In response TJ says, “I think Rand’s comments are well-stated and represent the solid footing that the O’Donnells can stand on.  Namely, the facts!  I’m really sorry to see Iain’s response and hope we can come up with some positive next steps.”

On 3 May KO makes a summary of the many concerned people who have made contact with a small group of senior YWAM leaders during the past year.  This list is entitled “20+ Nathans”.

From 4-6 May former LR staff gather in Geneva for the TRUPE meeting.  The group includes the Hylands, Brills, Jim Longhurst, and RG. 

On 9 May Bill van Derripe sends out a letter from his church in California to YWAM leaders (Team3plus) challenging KO’s dismissal, confronting the fraud, and expressing his church’s support for KMO. 

On 10 May an experienced YWAM staff member offers further advice to KMO on the YWAM dismissal appeal process with very careful focus on application of the J&R Guidelines.

This specific advice was not followed, perhaps because the fraud issues seemed so important and the effort to stifle KMO so intense.  Perhaps this strategy would have been more effective, but it is doubtful as YWAM leaders seemed to be succeeding with a “trust us” strategy.

On 11 May RG sends out the final version of his professional review proposal and first weekly update.  The professional review is effectively launched at the TRUPE meeting.

On 12 May YWAM Team3 posts the following message on the GLT and IFMLT web forums:  “CONFIDENTIAL:  This memo is to inform you that Kelly O’Donnell is no longer affiliated with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), is not authorized to represent us in any way, and is not recommended or endorsed for ministry within YWAM.” 

This statement would appear to be written with input from a lawyer.  Sometime between LG’s last communication with Hollis Lewis on 19 April and now Team3 have sought legal advice and learned that they should no longer communicate with KMO or their friends.  Fortunately for the record they have already made many statements that shed light on what has been happening through the years.  Also why do all three members of Team3 sign this?  It is the same question posed above in response to IM 16.04??

On the same day Pat Robinson of YWAM-Garden Valley, Texas informs KMO that YWAM will no longer be able to receive donations for them effective immediately and that the last deposit will be made on 21 May.  She says, “Gina Fadely has notified us that you are no longer a part of YWAM so unfortunately we are [un]able to process any funds for you.”

On 13 May KMO inform their supporters that their funding mechanism is being cut off very drastically.  The same day TJ forwards four messages that have been posted on the IFMLT forum questioning KO’s dismissal. 

Also this day Hollis Lewis sends the second family letter in response to LG 19.04.  The letter is dated 10 May 2008.  It begins, “Attached please find the second letter to you on behalf of the O’Donnell families and Lewis families.  We continue to have grave concerns about what you are trying to do and how you are doing it.”  No response was ever received to this letter.

On 14 May David Pratten sends a supportive email, which is also copied to LG, with whom he is in regular contact.

From 15-23 May KMO exchange emails with Mark Brock asking that they continue to process their checks and investigate the background to KO’s dismissal, “To stop the processing of our checks abruptly and under such dubious circumstances (eg., concerns about whistleblowing, international fraud and wrongful dismissal) is highly unethical, with possible legal implications.”  Only at the insistence of KMO does YWAM-Garden Valley extend the final processing date to 3 June.  This extension is done after KMO reminds Mark Brock of the assurance by Pat Robinson to KO in a November 2007 phone call, that support checks will continue to be processed for six months after a person leaves YWAM.  Unfortunately for KMO, this six month period is interpreted by YWAM-Garden Valley as starting from the 3 December 2007 letter from GF rather than from the 16 April 2008 letter from Iain Muir.  Mark Brock says that he is simply following YWAM procedure, “…we cannot jeopardize our tax exempt status by processing funds for someone who has not been full time staff with YWAM since at least last December.”  KMO are very vulnerable and feeling very distressed that the processing of donations to them was ended so suddenly and with no proper notice.

On 16 May KO scans the website of a regulatory/advisory group and downloads a policy statement on fraud and whistleblower protection”. 

On 17 May RG sends thoughts to KO about three different topics:  whistleblower protection, financially interrelated organizations, and the rights of employees vs independent contractors.

On 22 May Egbert De Zwaan, who is YWAM leader for Central Asia emails saying he is looking forward to KMO attending the Central Asia Conference next month, but does not want them to discuss their issues with YWAM unnecessarily.  KMO understand Egbert’s concerns and think his outlook is quite reasonable.

On 23 May KO sends Rollin Broekhoven background information on his dismissal and the short paper trail of contacts with YWAM-Garden Valley.  Rollin is a retired judge who was heavily involved in the resolution of the New Era scandal in the 1990’s.

On 28 May KMO copy background information sent to Rollin to TJ and Moreheads.  TJ responds on 29 May saying that the information is very clear and compelling.  TJ is working with Stephen Anderson on a letter to be sent to Team3.

On 30 May RG emails SC asking questions about his time at LR in the mid 1990’s.  SC responds immediately with much helpful information for the LR part of the review.  At RG’s request SC sends hard copies of printed documents to RG by post.

On 6 June Louise and Stephen Anderson and Todd and Tricia Johnson send the following request to Team3, “We are not writing to you for us to make a judgment on Kelly’s case.  Our main concern in writing is that we believe all YWAM staff have the right to appeal a dismissal to an arbitration team and that this would be especially true for someone who has been serving YWAM in a leadership position for a long time.  From our perspective, the Reconciliation and Justice Guidelines are very clear….”

In early June the letter from Bill van Derripe of 9 May and the family letter of 13 May (see above) are both resent to YWAM leaders.  No response was again forthcoming.

From 24 June to 4 July KMO and David Pratten exchange emails about KO’s dismissal. On 24 June David emails KO, “I am writing to you today because I would like to understand more about your dismissal from YWAM…  Could you please send me a copy of your dismissal letter from YWAM and a narrative description of the steps that were followed in the dismissal process?”  Also the same day David emails LG sharing his concerns over various issues in the J&R Guidelines.  Still the same day David emails to IM, copy to LG/GF/KO, “I am writing to you because Lynn Green has encouraged me to “look for an opportunity to talk with Gina Fadely or Iain Muir about our dealings with Kelly.”…Could you please tell me Team3’s grounds for dismissing Kelly and the steps that were followed in the dismissal process?”  LG replies to David still on 24 June, “I said “talk”.  We have been weighed down with great volumes of correspondence on this subject and I do not want to continue with that.  Please look for the opportunity to actually talk with Iain and/or Gina.  More written material will not be forthcoming on this subject and I ask you to please trust us that we have very clear and unavoidable reasons for that.”

What are these very clear and unavoidable reasons???  Why is LG still involved in this? Why has he not left this to GF?? Why is he afraid to write??  It is all very suspicious.

On 1 July, David Pratten emails Team3/GF/KO, “I am writing today to ask that you submit your decision to dismiss Kelly O’Donnell from YWAM to the kind of independent review envisaged in the formal stages of the “Guidelines” processes for handling “grievances”.  I submit this to you respectfully, aware of the weight that we as leaders carry in situations like this.  I write today as a fellow YWAM leader and I thank you for your willingness to shoulder this load on behalf of us all…  I am fully aware of how we as YWAM leaders “bend over backwards” to ensure that our processes are loving and just and there are, no doubt, many layers in this situation about which I have no information.  There is much that I do not understand and I write today on the assumption that your handling of Kelly’s situation is both just and loving to him and that God’s name is receiving glory from your process.”

What is the status of this request??

On 2 July, David informs KO/LG that on 19 May GF posted the following to the IFMLT forum:  “On the issue of Kelly’s dismissal from YWAM,…Kelly does not want the details known.”  David is asking KO if this is true and if KO would release GF from this apparent restriction.  KO answers David that KMO are not aware of ever saying anything like this regarding the details of the dismissal.  KMO have always called for an independent review.  In a separate email that day to David, KO offers some of his perspectives, “Privately we wanted to share what would seem to be a good direction for Y…”  David emails back to KO requesting the two letters that Hollis Lewis sent to LG and advising KO that he would like to handle this matter in his own way.

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