List of Names--Professional Review


Organizations and Acronyms
ANCC  All Nations Christian College outside of London, site of various meetings
COMIBAM  Umbrella mission alliance for Spanish/Portuguese-speaking countries
CT       Coordinating Team, MC-E three person leadership group—MK, SW, AB
EBM    Economic Crime Bureau, Sweden
ECFA  Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, USA
EEA     European Evangelical Alliance, European church group
EEMA  European Evangelical Mission Alliance, subgroup of EEA
EMCC  European Member Care Consultation, biennial event of MC-E
EXCO  Executive Committee, various groups had an EXCO as a leadership group
FBI      Federal Bureau of Investigation
FMP    Fraudemeldpunt, Holland (allied with FIOD)
GLT    Global Leadership Team, 50 person YWAM senior leadership group
IFMLT International Frontier Missions Leadership Team, one of YWAM’s main ministries
J&R     Justice & Reconciliation Guidelines of YWAM
LR       Le Rucher, Member care facility in France, near Geneva
MC-E  Member Care-Europe, Member care group affiliated to EEMA
MCW  Member Care Worker
MemCa  International member care group under auspices of WEA-MC
MemCa LT  Leadership Team of MemCa, with 5-7 members from different regions of world
MM-F  Mercy Ministries-France, local board responsible for Le Rucher
MS       Mercy Ships, Christian hospital ship ministry, part of YWAM until 2003
NCI     Nordic Capital Investments, Sweden, investment fund and ponzi scheme
NSC     Newer Sending Country, missions parlance for countries like Korea and Singapore
PTM    Pastors To Missionaries conference, annual meeting in USA
RIMA  Regional Interagency Membercare Affiliation
RSA06  Republic of South Africa, WEA and MemCa international consultation in June 2006
SDI      Stichting Dutch Investments, investment fund that channeled funds to NCI
SFO     Serious Fraud Office, UK
SOR     Seeking Our Rights, NCI investor group, retained services of CS and NP
Team3  YWAM Executive Leadership, three most senior leaders of YWAM—IM, JD, LG
Team3plus  Team3 plus Loren and Darlene Cunningham, Jim Stier and Tom Hallas
TOF     The Oaks Foundation, Geneva-based charitable foundation of Alan Parker family
TROS  Dutch TV station, produced Opgelicht show on NCI
UPG    Unreached People Group
WEA   World Evangelical Alliance, international group, formerly WEF (Fellowship)
WEA-MC  Mission Commission of the WEA
YWAM  Youth With A Mission, international Christian mission organization

AB       Arie Baak, EEMA leader, member MC-E coordinating team (one of three)
AK       Ah Kie Lim, co-coordinator with KO for IFMLT member care
AM      Alan Murray, accountant, founding member of MM-F
AZ       Andy Zimmerman, John Dawson’s Personal Assistant in California
BD       Bill van Derripe, leader/mission advocate of KMO’s church in California
BE       Bertil Ekstrom, WEA-MC coordinator after RSA06
BL       Brent Lindquist, professional psychologist, president of Link Care
BN       Bruce Narramore, professional psychologist, pres. Narramore Christian Foundation
BT       Bill Taylor, WEA-MC coordinator before RSA06, MemCa accountability person for KO
CS       Cees Schaap, Principal of SBV, Forensic Accounting Firm in the Netherlands
DDB    Daniel and Denise Brill, former staff of LR
DH       Delon Human, Medical Doctor, Board Member of LR 2002-2008
DP       Dave Pollock, author, researcher, consultant to missions agencies, colleague of KO
DS       Donna Seymour, NCI investor, living in England
EH       Elisabeth Hyland, founding member of MM-F and LR
EJS      Erik and Jeltje Spruyt
ES        Erik Spruyt, founder/direcctor of LR, promoter of NCI, principal of SDI
GF       Gina Fadely, KMO’s accountability leader in YWAM 2004-2007, member of GLT
GT       Garry Tissingh, former KMO accountability leader in YWAM 1993-2000, colleague of GF
HP       Henny Pauw, NCI investor, SOR board member
IM       Iain Muir, member of YWAM Team3, based in Europe
JD        John Dawson, member of YWAM Team3, based in California
JF        Jeff Fountain, European Director of YWAM, GLT member, based in Holland
JHP     Jan and Henny Pauw
JM       Jean Morehead, Public Health specialist, former board member of ECFA, YWAM member
JPas     Joe Paskewich, pastor of KMO’s church in Connecticut
JP        Jan Pauw, NCI investor, SOR board member
JR        Jan Rowland, founding member of MM-F and LR
JS        Jeltje Spruyt, board member of MM-F, one of original founders of LR
KMO   Kelly and Michele O’Donnell
KO      Kelly O’Donnell, NCI investor, YWAM staff member, professional psychologist
KW      Kristian Westergard, NCI principal and administrator
LG       Lynn Green, International Chair of YWAM, member of YWAM Team3, based in England
LMG   Larrie Mae Gardner, member of MemCa LT
LO       Lars-Olof Svensson, lawyer with Wistrand firm in Stockholm, contacted by DS
MK      Marion Knell, member MC-E coordinating team (one of three) and MemCa LT
MN      Mintie Nel, one of original founders of LR
MO      Michele O’Donnell, NCI investor, YWAM staff member, professional psychologist
MOr    Marcus Orsi, board member of MM-F from 2002-2008
NN       Niels van Nimwegen, producer of Opgelicht show for TROS
NP       Niko Paape, freelance fraud investigator
PC       Pierre Christ, board member of Mercy Ships Switzerland, retired banker
PR       Pramila Rajendran, member of MemCa LT
PW      Paul van Wachem, NCI investor, SOR member
RG       Rand Guebert, business consultant to KMO
RJ        Ralf Johannson, former Swedish consul general in Geneva
SC       Sean Collins, former LR staff member, 1995-1996
SG       Steve Goode, International Director of YWAM Mercy Ministries, member of GLT
SS        Sally Smith, former staff member and personnel officer of LR
SW      Siny Widmer, member MC-E coordinating team (one of three)
TD       Trevor Davies, former Executive Director of Mercy Ships Switzerland
TH       Tony Hyland, retired professional dentist, founding member of MM-F and LR
T&EH  Tony & Elisabeth Hyland
TJ        Todd Johnson, mission researcher at Gordon-Conwell Seminary in USA, YWAM member

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