Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Professional Review 2--Introduction

Introduction and Table of Contents


Rand Guebert
26 September 2008

This material is strictly confidential.
It may not be reproduced in any way or shared without the explicit written permission of Dr. Kelly O’Donnell and Dr. Michèle Lewis O’Donnell.

This professional review has been organized to draw together the various events that have led to the dismissal of Drs. Kelly and Michele O’Donnell from YWAM and to the potential loss of millions of dollars by investors in Nordic Capital Investments (NCI) and Stichting Dutch Investments (SDI).  Many of these events are related and overlap, and this review attempts to place them in context.

The review has been performed on a pro bono basis by Mr. Rand Guebert, a professional business consultant. Please see the review proposal from May 2008 in the appendix for further details.  As a primary objective of the review is to provide a detailed record of events, Mr. Guebert welcomes contributions in adding to the record and correcting any misunderstandings. The documentation available is now running to over three thousand pages.

The review covers four topics:  NCI, YWAM, Member Care, and Le Rucher.  For each topic there is a detailed timeline, which reflects all relevant events for which Mr. Guebert has documentation.  Each timeline was used to write a factual narrative for that topic, which is interspersed with Mr. Guebert’s analysis of events in italics.

Each narrative was then used as the basis for an executive summary of that topic, which contains Mr. Guebert’s conclusions and recommendations concerning that topic.  The four topical executive summaries were then used to write an integrated executive summary, which expresses conclusions and recommendations covering all four topics as a whole.  Also, a summary integrated timeline and list of names are included in order to help orient the reader to various events, people and organizations mentioned in the review. 

The review took Mr. Guebert approximately 500 hours to compile.  Mr. Guebert is available to discuss, and if appropriate, to update any aspect of the review.

Mr. Rand Guebert
Gex, France


Section One—Overview                                                     Pages
1. General Introduction and Disclaimer                                        1
2. Table of Contents                                                                        2
3. Integrated Executive Summary                                                  3-5                                              
4. Time Line                                                                                      6
5. List of Names                                                                               7-8
Section Two—Executive Summaries
1. NCI                                                                                                  9-12
2. YWAM                                                                                           13-17
3. Member Care                                                                                18-23
4. Le Rucher                                                                                      24-26

 Section Three—Narrative and Analysis                                 
1. NCI                                                                                                 27-46
2. YWAM                                                                                            47-71
3. Member Care                                                                                 72-92
4. Le Rucher                                                                                      93-111

1. Professional Review Proposal, May 2008                                112-113

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